Ready to change your routine and change your life?

Touch base at any time with a support team dedicated to helping you develop healthy habits and find joy and fun in your everyday.

  • Start journaling with includmi to manage your feelings and help achieve your goals

  • Get support quickly from people you trust.

  • Improve your overall health and wellbeing.

By tracking how you are feeling and what you are thinking, you are better able to work through your emotions, notice people or places that are triggers, and recognise warning signs of your anxiety and depression and put things in perspective.

You can choose someone who might be your “coach”, “support worker” , “teacher” or “teaching assistant” to organise your support and help you achieve your goals, become more self confident and feel less stressed.

You only have to say how you’re feeling once and the app lets everyone helping you know, so they are all “on the same page” and up to speed on how best to quickly help you.

Don’t suffer in silence. It’s good to get things off your chest. With includmi help is only a click away.

Journaling allows you to record your progress and feelings over several days or weeks and then notice patterns or trends.

When you can recognise these trends, you can work to eliminate or avoid certain triggers — or focus your energy on how best to respond next time.