
Teacher strategies

  • Positive Feedback After Break

    Age: Any

    Overview: Give the pupils positive feedback about the start of the day after coming in at break.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Knowing Your Classes

    Age: Any

    Overview: Knowing the names, strengths and weaknesses of your students is an easy way to connect with your students and help them feel that you are invested in their achievements.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Easy Access IEP

    Age: Any

    Overview: Have the students IEP’s easily accessible so that you are able to refer back to it.

    Resources: IEP

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Big Life Journal

    Age: Any

    Overview: Growth mindset journals, printable kits and activities for ages 4+


    Time: 5 minutes

  • Identify Character Strengths

    Age: Any

    Overview: Older pupils can identify their character strengths using the VIA character strength tests online, whereas the younger pupils can use character strength cards to help identify their own.

    Resources:, Character strength cards

    Time: 5-10 minutes

  • Character Awards

    Age: Any

    Overview: Give out awards to the pupils for specific character strengths.

    Resources: Small awards/ certificates

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Teaching for Mastery TES

    Age: 5-11

    Overview: Inspired by teaching approaches developed in Singapore and Shanghai, mastery is an inclusive way of teaching that is grounded in the belief that all pupils can achieve in maths. A concept is deemed mastered when learners can represent it in multiple ways, can communicate solutions using mathematical language and can independently apply the concept to new problems. Teaching for mastery supports National Curriculum objectives, but spends more time reinforcing number before progressing to more difficult areas of mathematics.


    Time: N/A

  • Activity: Precision Teaching

    Age: Any

    Overview: An effective teaching strategy for ensuring high levels of fluency and accuracy. It involves short one minute tasks to build skills and practise them regularly. At the core of precision teaching is the focus on building fluency of the skill. It allows you to monitor the progress if the child.

    Resources: This PDF gives a full guide to precision teaching @

    Time: N/A

  • Reflection Time

    Age: Any

    Overview: Allow the pupils time for reflection. To allow them to reflect on their work and on their style of working. What they found tricky, how they can overcome that, what they would do in the future, etc.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Parent Recognition

    Age: Any

    Overview: Inform parents about the accomplishments of the pupils.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Achievement Wall

    Age: Any

    Overview: Create a display in the classroom full of all the achievements of the pupils within the class.

    Resources: Arts and crafts supplies

    Time: 10-30 minutes

  • Lunch with Headteacher

    Age: Any

    Overview: Select a pupil from each class that the teacher has believed has been exceptional to get to have lunch with the head teacher as a reward.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: N/A

  • Aspirations Wall

    Age: Any

    Overview: Make a wall display full of ex pupils past aspirations and where they are now, to act to inspire the current pupils.

    Resources: Arts and crafts supplies

    Time: 10-30 minutes

  • My Favourite No

    Age: Any

    Overview: In this activity from Teaching Channel, students solve a challenging problem on notecards. The teacher finds her "favorite no" and leads students through what the student does right, and what mistakes they made. This activity shows students the importance and value of learning from mistakes.


    Time: 10 minutes

  • Crumpled Reminder

    Age: Any

    Overview: (2 min) Ask students to write about a mistake they made this week and how it made them feel.

    (2 min) Give each student a fresh piece of paper, ask them to crumple it up and throw it at the board with the feelings they have when they make a mistake.

    (3 min) Ask them to retrieve the paper, un-crumple it, and color each line with different colors.

    (3 min) Ask students what they think those lines represent. Explain that the lines represent all the synaptic activity that happens when a mistake is made.

    (1 min) Ask students to keep the paper and stick it into a notebook or folder to look at when they make a mistake. This physical reminder prompts students to use mistakes to strengthen their brain every time they open their notebook.

    (5-10 min) OPTIONAL - Lead a discussion on mistakes using questions from Activity 3: Classroom Discussion (below) to further students' understanding about the value of mistakes.


    Activity: Crumpled Reminder (PDF)

    Time: 10-20 minutes

  • Classroom Discussion

    Age: Any

    Overview: Sometimes it’s important to simply tell students that you love mistakes because that’s how we learn. Start the class with a lesson on why you like mistakes and what students can learn from them. Lead a discussion on how students feel about making a mistake and why.

    Here are a few discussion points to get you started:

    How do you feel when you make a mistake? Why?

    How do you think other people see you when you make a mistake?

    Have you ever discovered something new from making a mistake?

    Have you ever felt proud of making a mistake?

    Has a mistake ever made you think more deeply about a problem? (You can start by talking about a non-academic setting, and then talk about how the lessons apply to academics.)

    Resources: n/a

    Time: 5-10 minutes

  • Raffle Ticket Rewards

    Age: Any

    Overview: Raffle Tickets can be used in a variety of different ways. They could be used as an alternative to Merit Points whereby the child receives a ticket for good behaviour. Then you could hold a weekly prize draw.

    Resources: Raffle Ticket book

    Time: N/A

  • Sharing good work with parents

    Age: Any

    Overview: This may be self-explanatory but engaging with parents when a child has produced excellent work can give that child a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: N/A

  • Reward by effort not outcome

    Age: Any

    Overview: Praising a child’s effort focuses on creating a growth mindset. Praising a childs ability (“You’re really good at this”) focuses on a fixed mindset (that their abilities are fixed). While this praise feels good at the time it puts pressure on the child to maintain their ability. Praising a child when they are making effort (“I can tell you’re working really hard on that’) shows the child that they can develop their abilities- i.e. a growth mindset.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: N/A

  • 3 Good Things

    Age: Any

    Overview: People who are grateful tend to be happier and more fulfilled. Spending a few moments each day focusing on three good things that happen to us can be very powerful.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: A few minutes every day

  • Growth Mindset Posters and Activities

    Age: Any

    Overview: Growth mindset refers to a learning theory developed by Dr Carol Dweck. It revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance. The opposite, a fixed mindset, refers to the belief that a person’s talents are set in stone. Years of research have shown that mindset is malleable. This means that by helping students to develop a growth mindset, we can help them to learning more effective and efficient

    Resources: For more information on how to create a growth mindset see

    Time: N/A

  • Formative Assessment: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down.


    Overview: A simple and quick way to let you know how well your student understand what they are learning. Ask them to put their thumbs up if they ‘get it’ or thumbs down if they don’t.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 1-2 Minutes

  • What Went Well, Even Better If.

    Age: Any

    Overview: Another form of formative assessment that can be done in all key stages. The student feedbacks on what they excelled on in the work and what they could do it improve their work.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: N/A

  • Grit Pie exercise

    Age: Any

    Overview: Create a pie that represents an obstacle the child is facing. Each slice of the pie represents a cause of the problem. Discuss with the child the slices and identify their temporary/permanent thoughts (can their behaviours or attitude change?) and discuss whether their thoughts are due to internal/external blame (is the behaviour my fault or something else?). This activity can be modified for younger or older students.

    Resources: A ‘pie’ to represent an obstacle

    Time: 15-30 minutes

  • Feed Forward

    Age: Any

    Overview: Providing rich, high quality feedback to pupils so that they know how they can improve. Instead of rating their performance in the past, focus on their development in the future.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: N/A

  • WAGOLL (What a good one looks like)

    Age: Any

    Overview: A WAGOLL can be used to show your pupils an example of a ‘good’ piece of writing or work that they could model. It can set a standard of work that your class should be aiming for.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: N/A

  • Multiple Intelligence Wheel

    Age: Any

    Overview: An interactive website that enables the user to create their own "wheel" of preferred learning styles.


  • Hint sheets

    Age: Any

    Overview: Giving pupils some reference materials like formula and key facts reduces students' anxiety and let’s them concentrate more on learning instead of worrying about memorising everything.

    Resources: subject specific

    Time: As required

Free Resources:

Mastery Oriented Classrooms:

Guide for creating mastery orientated classroom

Growth Mindset:

Growth mindset activities and strategies for kids

Teaching Mastery:

Mastery is an inclusive way of teaching that is grounded in the belief that all pupils can achieve in maths.

Recording Achievement:

Online teaching resources.

Achievement Assembly:

Free assembly on achievement.


Create an online record of achievement for your students.

Celebrating Students:

Ways in which to recognise students’ achievements.

We Are Teachers:

Free teaching resources


News-O-Matic EDU:

The application News-O-Matic EDU can only be best described as an interactive Daily Newspaper for children. This application is a combination of interactive technology and games along with exciting news articles and creativity. The content within this software is engaging, plentiful and child safe. The application is free from in-app adverts and in app purchases and the content supports various languages. This application is a subscription based service, however, users can try the application before committing to a subscription.

SMART Vocabulary:

Smart Vocabulary is an app aimed at growing and refining a student's range of vocabulary in preparation for college entrance tests but anybody who would like to expand their knowledge of lesser-used words could also learn a lot from it.


Studyo is the ultimate teacher and student app planner suitable for schools, colleges and home life. Studyo acts as a central hub for student tasks, assignments and exams based on your school’s specific calendar, schedule and courses. Many schools have adopted Studyo to prepare students for the demands of school life, replacing paper planners and other solutions, complementing school’s administrative and Learning Management systems. This application comes with no in-app purchases or adverts.


With its simple interface, the WolframAlpha App lets you instantly compute answers to questions across thousands of domains—from finance and food to math and medicine to stocks and spacecraft to wordplay and weather.   WolframAlpha, an award-winning app, is a powerful answer engine which aims to ‘make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone capable’. The app shouldn’t be mistaken for a search engine even though it looks like one. It is an informational tool that delivers specific answers calculated from the data gathered from all the information related to your questions. Kids can learn anything because it covers a variety of subjects but they need to learn how to ask the right questions. 

Smoovie Stop Motion- Animation:

Smoovie Stop Motion is a unique application that is a professional, innovative animation platform to be used by classrooms, families and animators around the world. The app brings stop motion animation to a range of ages with an intuitive user interface, simple software and in-app teacher resources. The platform includes instant playback, audio and video, onion skinning, scenes, film strips and much more. The app comes with no in-app purchases or adverts.

Study Tracks:

Students wearing headphones don't have to just be listening to music.  With this app, they can be revising very effectively wherever they are. 

Google Classrooms:

Google Classroom can be utilized by any eLearning professionals and online educators who have already created a Google Apps for Education account for free. In essence, Google Classroom is designed to give online facilitators, content creators and educators the ability to go paperless and centralize their eLearning materials in one cloud-based location.

Show My Homework:

This app is part of a school-wide service that can make the setting, administering and monitoring of homework much easier.  Schools subscribe to the service that can then be accessed on mobile devices and computers by staff, students, and parents.

Inspire- Flashcards:

Inspire Flash Cards by Gamer Parents is an app that can help the parent or educator interrupt the child in their engagement on social media or games to answer a set of pre assigned questions which must be answered before the child continues, the speed and accuracy of the answer will determine the next interruption. This app is clearly targeting the child that spends a lot of time on digital devices. 

ErgoBreak 4 Kids:

This app teaches children how to use technology without harming their health through poor posture and overuse.  To help them remember and employ what they learn, Ergobreak 4 Kids prompts them to take an Ergobreak at user-defined intervals.

Whooo’s Reading

A web app that helps students improve their writing based on personalised feedback.

Mind Games

Available on the Appstire, a brian app that encourages working the mind and learning mistakes in a fun way.


GoSoapBox is a web-based clicker tool used by educators around the world to keep students engaged and gain real-time insight into student comprehension.

Daily Goals

An app for setting and tracking goals.

Be The Change

Available on Itunes. This app provides students with small everyday challenges, each one focused on being the change we wish to see in the world. The goals in this app are attainable and make students think about kindess.


Title: Promoting Positive Behaviour 

Author: Tim O’Brien

ISBN: 978-1853465024

Overview: Aiming to help teachers promote positive behaviour by approaching challenging behaviour as a learning difficulty, this monograph looks at how teachers can analyze and meet the range of individual learning needs. It also provides practical preventative and intervention strategies and offers advice on observing behaviour and a description of a system for teacher support. A strong commitment to the curriculum, particularly in EBD schools, is set within a framework of spiritual development for all children.

Title: I Can't Do That, YET: Growth Mindset

Author: Esther P Cordova

ISBN: 978-1545237274

Overview: ‘Enna is a girl who doesn't believe in herself and often utters the phrase "I can't do that!" One night in a dream she sees all the possible future versions of herself, discovering that she can be any of those versions with time, knowledge and dedication. She develops a growth mindset throughout her journey and instead of saying "I can't do that," she learns to say "I can't do that YET!"

Title: Rosie Revere, Engineer. 

Author: Andrea Beaty

ISBN: 978-1419708459

Overview: ‘Rosie may seem quiet during the day, but at night she's a brilliant inventor of gizmos and gadgets who dreams of becoming a great engineer. When her Great, Great Aunt Rose (Rosie the Riveter) comes for a visit and mentions her one unfinished goal--to fly--Rosie sets to work building a contraption to make her aunt's dream come true. Her invention complete, Rosie attempts a test flight--but after a moment, the machine crashes to the ground. Discouraged, Rosie deems the invention a failure, but Aunt Rose insists that on the contrary, it was a raging success. You can only truly fail, she explains, if you quit. Reassured, Rosie returns to her engineering and inspires her classmates to join in the fun.’

Title: Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It

Author: JoAnn Deak

ISBN: 978-0982993804

Overview: This book teaches children that they have the ability to stretch and grow their brains and teaches a message that mistakes are important parts of learning.

Title: Thanks For The Feedback...(I Think!): My Story About Accepting Criticism and Compliments the Right Way (Best Me I Can Be!)

Author: Julia Cook

ISBN: 978-1934490495

Overview: A story about what it means to receive positive and negative feedback and how to respond to feedback appropriately