
Teacher Activities

  • Would You Rather

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Ask the group to decide what they would rather do given two possible options. Take a poll, and then lead a short debate between the merits and disadvantages of each option. The questions can range from silly, to gross, to impossibly cool. This icebreaker can also be adapted to fit a theme, such as a holiday or study unit. Would You Rather is a dynamic activity that makes people think on their feet and gives insight into their priorities.

    Time: 10-15 minutes

  • VIA Character Strength Survey

    Age Range: 10-17

    Overview: The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a simple self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help pupils understand their core characteristics. Most personality tests focus on negative and neutral traits, but the VIA Survey focuses on your best qualities. https://www.viacharacter.org/

    Time: 10-15 minutes

  • Giving Pupils Responsibility

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Allocate different roles and responsibilities to pupils in order to promote relatedness and autonomy in the classroom. Responsibilities can be tailored to the abilities and characteristics of individuals.

    Time: N/A

  • I went to market

    Age: 5-12

    Overview: This is a great game for those 15 minutes left at the end of the school days. One child starts by saying 'I went to the shops today and bought...' something beginning with A (e.g. apple). The next person continues by saying the previous item (apple) and then something beginning with B (e.g. banana). Continue around the class, working through the alphabet, adding one more item to the end of the list each time. It is great for memory and keeps all the children interested!

    Time: 10 minutes

  • Chunking

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: A Chunking activity involves breaking down a difficult text into more manageable pieces and having students rewrite these “chunks” in their own words. You can use this strategy with challenging texts of any length. Chunking helps students identify key words and ideas, develops their ability to paraphrase, and makes it easier for them to organize and synthesize information.

    Time: N/A

  • Think Pair Share

    Age Range: 7+

    Overview: Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This strategy requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates. Discussing with a partner maximizes participation, focuses attention and engages students in comprehending the reading material.

    Time: N/A

  • Modelling

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Modelling is an instructional strategy in which the teacher demonstrates a new concept or approach to learning and students learn by observing.

    Time: N/A

  • Consider physical condition of classroom

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: The physical environment of the classroom is talking about the way a classroom is set up. Some of the key elements are accessibility, visibility, and distractibility.

    Time: N/A

  • Use Real World Connections

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Incorporating real world connections into a lesson plan helps students understand why what they’re learning at is useful beyond school and university. It’s an approach that works for every curriculum to increase engagement in the learning process as students gain valuable insights into real life applications of the skills they’re being taught.

  • Use podcasts

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Beyond their popularity, podcasts can be a great way to engage different kinds of learners, disseminate information, and get students excited about out-of-the-box assignments. Podcasts can serve a variety of purposes for creative educators, leading to more learning and subject mastery from students. Since podcasts can be recorded and downloaded ahead of time, they’re an easy way for teachers to disseminate information that augments in-classroom.

    Time: N/A

  • Boardgames

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Utilise board games in class to promote engagement and develop a range of cognitive skills (Reflective Thinking, Planning, Problem Solving, Decision Making & Logical Thinking). Chess, Monopoly, Mastermind, manacala etc.).

    Time: N/A

  • Class Presentations

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Encourage students to research a project in groups or alone and create a presentation that they then must present to the class. This encourages pupils to engage in the material as they must pass on what they’ve learnt to their classmates.

    Time: N/A

  • Timers

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Incorporate timers into the lessons. Giving the students an active time limit on how long they have to complete some of the work can help motivate them.

    Time: N/A

  • Motivational Music

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Playing motivation music in the morning or during lessons can help inspire the students. Find your own motivational music online or encourage students to bring in or make their own motivational playlists.

    Time: N/A

  • Visitors

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Invite visitors to come in to speak to the students or lead them in activities. This adds a bit of excitement to the day, breaking the normal monotony of school. Inviting visitors to come share their passions with the students can also inspire and motivate them.

    Time: N/A

  • Golden Time

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Golden time, or free time in which the students are allowed to enjoy free time to talk to friends or play with toys etc. This acts as a great incentive for students to finish work or as a reward.

    Time: 10-30 minutes

  • Trips

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Taking the students on trips in line with what they are learning in the curriculum, acts as a great way for the students to engage with the work.

    Time: Varying

  • Debating Club

    Age Range: 9+

    Overview: A debating club in which the students are encouraged to research and debate issues of importance to them or the curriculum encourages students to engage more with the research and the opinions and thoughts of others.

    Time: Varying

  • Formula One Project

    Age Range: 9-19

    Overview: STEM project, creating a fun learning environment to engage students actively in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Teams of students aged 9 to 19 deploy CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyse, manufacture, test, and then race miniature compressed air powered cars made from F1 model block.

    Time: Varying

  • BA Gliding

    Age Range: 16

    Overview: Opportunity for students from across the country to take part in a residential gliding scholarship which will see them go from novice to solo in just 2 weeks. The experience is designed to show the individual that aviation could be a realistic career option.

    Time: 2 weeks

  • Asdan

    Age Range: 11+

    Overview: Providing flexible and engaging programmes and qualifications that help young people develop skills for learning, work and life.

    Time: Varying

  • Good Behaviour Game

    Age Range: 4-11

    Overview: The good behaviour game is a behaviour management strategy that is designed to encourage prosocial behaviour and reduce disruptive behaviour. Teachers initiate GBG by dividing children into small teams that are balanced for gender and child temperament. Teams are rewarded with points for good behaviour, according to basic classroom rules which are reviewed in class. Short games are played several times per week.

    Time: 10-45 minutes

  • Working on What Works

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Working On What Works (WOWW) is a solution-oriented classroom management intervention which involves a coach/coaches observing the whole class - children and teacher - during one lesson per week over 10 weeks. A WOWW coach does not focus on unacceptable behaviours, but instead looks for strengths and positive actions and interactions.

    Time: N/A

  • One Page Profiling

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: A One Page Profile captures all the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper under three simple headings: what people appreciate about me, what’s important to me and how best to support me.

    Time: 10-15 minutes

  • Know Your Pupils Names

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Knowing your pupils name is an easy way for the students to feel a part of the class.

    Time: N/A

  • Use current events

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Consider incorporating current events into the classroom. This is important as it gives children the opportunity to learn what is going on in the world around them, outside of school. You can choose fun activities to teach your children current events. For example, News Mapping is a fun activity where children are tasked to pick a news article from the front page of a newspaper and then pin where this story happened on a World Map.

    Time: N/A

  • Using iMovie

    Age range: Any, but perhaps older children to create iMovies.

    Overview: This video making app can be a useful tool to get children more engaged with certain topics. For example, giving children a project to create a video on a certain local historical event. Or alternatively iMovie can be used by teachers as a more interesting way to introduce topics of learning.

    Time: N/A

  • Give students control over learning tasks

    Age range: Any

    Overview: To some extend it can be beneficial to give students some autonomy to their learning. Pupils are more motivated when they get a say in what they are learning or how they are learning. An easy way to do this, for example, is to provide students with multiple choices of activities to choose and reflect on, following the same learning objective.

    Time: N/A

  • Feedback on Strengths

    Age range:

    Overview: Individualised feedback can be useful for students to improve their learning, and focusing on the positives of their work through strength-based feedback can improve well-being and engagement of pupils.

    Time: N/A

  • Praise work big and small

    Age range: Any

    Overview: To keep students motivated, recognise their work in class. You can do this by putting good work on display, giving weekly awards etc.

    Time: N/A

  • Catchphrase

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Catchphrase is a fun game you can play with your class and can be easily incorporated into any topic. The rules: children are to split up into teams and one member of their team has to describe a word or catchphrase to their team (but they are NOT allowed to use any words from the word or phrase). If the team correctly guesses the word or phrase, then they earn a point and they move onto the next phrase until time runs out. Subsequent rounds get faster and faster. Using fun games such as this in classroom increases engagement by increasing active participation.

    Time: N/A

  • Set classroom goals with students

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Agree with your class what will be the classroom goals for them to work towards.

    Time: N/A

  • Reward Curiosity

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Always reward when a child is being curious to enable further learning.

    Time: N/A

  • Learn a new skill every week

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Challenge your pupils to learn a new skill each week, and perhaps to present their new skill to the class at the end of the week.

    Time: N/A

  • Learn a new word every day

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Encourage children to learn a new word every week, this can be done simply through displaying a word of the day in class and spend some time discussing what it means.

    Time: N/A

  • Marbles in a Jar

    Age range: 5-11

    Overview: Marbles in a jar is a reward system that can be used in class to encourage on-task behaviour. Each time students are on-task, add a marble to the marble jar. Use marbles to support the behaviours that need most work or attention. Explain to the class that once the jar is full they can have a group reward. It is important for children to understand that they are receiving reward because of their good behaviour.

    Time: N/A

  • Drop Everything and Read

    Age range:

    Overview: Drop everything and read, or D.E.A.R, is a month-long celebration of reading, designed to encourage people of all ages to take time to read. You can participate in this movement by hosting a D.E.A.R event in your schools in the month of April. More resources to help can be found online at www.dropeverythingandread.com .

    Time: N/A

  • Using Music

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Music can be used in many ways in the classroom to improve engagement, for example to help calm and ground students if they have just entered the classroom, to keep children focused or to use music to make teaching a topic more interesting. Furthermore, a fun activity could be to create a class song with your classroom, either as a way to learn new vocabulary or grammar, or to learn a certain topic.

    Time: N/A

  • Use current events

    Age range: Any

    Overview: Consider incorporating current events into the classroom. This is important as it gives children the opportunity to learn what is going on in the world around them, outside of school. You can choose fun activities to teach your children current events. For example, News Mapping is a fun activity where children are tasked to pick a news article from the front page of a newspaper and then pin where this story happened on a World Map.

    Time: N/A

Teacher Books

  • Grit: The Power and Passion of Preservation

    Author: Angela Duckworth

    ISBN: 9781501111105

    Overview: Psychologist Angela Duckworth describes that secret to outstanding achievement is a blend of passion and persistence she calls “grit”. In this book she shares insights from her research and explains why talent is hardly a guarantor of success.

  • Parental Involvement and Academic Success

    Author: William Jeynes

    ISBN: 9780415990547

    Overview: Providing an objective assessment of the influence of adult involvement it maximising educational outcomes.

  • The Motivated School

    Author: Alan McLean


    Overview: This book addresses how important students’ motivational mindsets can be to influence learning. It suggests how successful learning contexts can be created and provides suggestions for teachers working with disengaged students.

  • Motivating Every Learner

    Author: Alan Mclean

    ISBN: 9781848601826

    Overview: A useful book for teachers to motivate their students based on psychological research.

  • Promoting Self-Determination in Students with Developmental Disabilities: What Works for Special-Needs Learners

    Promoting Self-Determination in Students with Developmental Disabilities: What Works for Special-Needs Learners

    Author: Michael L. Wehmeyer

    ISBN: 1593854609

    Overview: This volume reviews the breadth of available methods for teaching components of self-determination--including choice making, problem solving, decision making, goal setting, self-advocacy, and self-regulated learning--and provides best-practice recommendations that teachers can put to immediate use in the classroom.

  • Motivate the Unmotivated: A step-by-step system you can use to raise motivation in your classroom tomorrow

    Author: Rob Plevin

    ISBN: 1976889545

    Overview: This fantastic teaching resource offers a complete step-by-step system together with hundreds of practical strategies to: - Invite and stimulate student interest from the moment your lesson begins, - Create an extremely positive, collaborative classroom climate - Minimise classroom management issues related to boredom and low engagement - Provide interactive lesson formats which even your most switched-off students won’t be able to resist - Reach ALL your students through multiple learning channels - Increase participation with little-known ‘involvers’ which work every time! Includes downloadable BONUS training materials and printable resources.

  • Unleashing Great Teaching

    Author: David Weston and Bridget Clay

    ISBN: 1138105996

    Overview: This practical handbook takes the guesswork out of professional learning, showing school leaders how they can build a self-improving culture and remove barriers to learning.

  • Gamify

    Author: Brian Burke

    ISBN: 0884293191375

    Overview: Burke explains that gamification is about engrossing people by creating motivation and learning.

  • Flow: The Psychology of Happiness: The Classic Work on How to Achieve Happiness

    Author: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    ISBN: 0712657592

    Overview: This book reveals that what makes people genuinely satisfied with their experience is ‘flow’- a state of concentration so focused that it amounts to complete absorption in an activity and results in the achievement of an ideal state of happiness. ‘Flow’ has become a major contribution to contemporary psychology.

  • Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention

    Author: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    ISBN: 9780062283252

    Overview: The author uses his famous Flow theory to explore the creative process.

Teacher Resources

  • TASC Wheel

    TASC stands for ‘Thinking Actively in a Social Context’. This is an approach which can be used when planning, to create experiences that will challenge and engage students – making links with social learning theories such as Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development.

    Find out more @ https://www.limetree.trafford.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/TASC-wheel-explained.pdf

  • The Five minute Lesson Plan

    An easy online tool for teachers and schools to speed up the lesson planning process. Uses The 5 Minute Lesson template by Teacher Toolkit. Free video explaining how to use.

    Download for free @ https://www.teachertoolkit.co.uk/5minplan/

  • Classroom Energisers

    These classroom energisers are designed to get students active while they are learning. By being physically active students will concentrate better, improve their social and communication skills by interacting with others and improve their overall school performance. Incidental activity is a great way to get students active who may ordinarily shy away from physical activity.

    Find out more @ https://www.actbelongcommit.org.au/assets/resources/targeted/schools/schools-education-resources/class-room-energisers.pdf

  • Person Centred Thinking Tools

    Person-centred thinking tools are a set of easy to use templates that are used to give structure to conversations. Using them is a practical way to capture information that feeds into care and support planning, as well as to improve understanding, communication and relationships

    Find out more @ http://helensandersonassociates.co.uk/person-centred-practice/person-centred-thinking-tools/

  • Gamification in the Classroom

    Classcraft gives educators a powerful set of tools while connecting real-life intervention with engagement data from existing content, platforms, and systems. This has a profound impact on educational outcomes that are key to student success:

    Find out more @ https://www.classcraft.com/gamification/

  • Larry Ferlazzo (Edu Blogs)

    A collection of free resources to improve pupil engagement and motivation .

    Find out more @ http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2017/12/02/a-collection-of-my-best-resources-on-student-motivation/

  • Free motivation strategies

    Free overview of motivational strategies for the classroom

    Find out more @ https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/motivating-students/

  • Methods of Motivational Teaching

    Article containing strategies and tips to improve motivation in learners.

    Download for free @ https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED499496.pdf

  • The motivated school.com

    Website offering free resources to build motivation in the classroom

    Find out more @ Themotivatedschool.com

  • Teacher Toolkit.co.uk

    Classroom ideas, teaching learning and school resources to promote flow in the classroom


  • Big Life Journal.com

    Videos resources and printables to promote growth mindset in the classroom and at home


Teacher Applications

  • Sudoku Junior

    A Sudoku app for kids ages four and up. Teaches young players how to play with fun, engaging icons. Older players can use the standard numbers, but the icons provide a good visual challenge for players of all ages.

  • Lumosity

    Lumosity is an online program consisting of games claiming to improve memory, attention, flexibility speed of processing, and problem solving

  • Peak

    Instead of academic areas, Peak focuses on specific cognitive skills such as memory, mental agility, problem-solving, focus and language (that is, ability to communicate). Games tend to be more visual than Elevate, including a Sudoku-esque visual puzzle and number popping in numerical order.

  • Tetris

    Long before brain-training became a billion-dollar app market, this addictive classic was working its way into our minds and Gameboys.

  • Elevate

    Elevate incorporates a huge range of games underpinned by real-world applications, in five streams that hark back to schooldays learning: Listening, Writing, Reading, Speaking, and Math. Each of these spans intriguingly named skills such as Brevity or Eloquence. In one exercise, you’re asked to type in the best synonyms, rather than choosing from a list, which can be helpful for those struggling with that word on the tip of the tongue.

  • Kodu

    Free Coding App for kids

  • Morfo

    Imagine the ability to bring any historical or fictional character to life. All you need is an image and the app Morfo. This creative app will take any front facing image of a person and using a student’s recorded audio, create a talking version of that person’s image. Students can write narratives for characters, offer a book review, recite an historic speech, and much more.