
Teacher activities

  • 3 Good Things

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Research has demonstrated that one of the best ways to experience positive emotion and increase well-being is by writing down three good things that happen every day.

    Resources: Paper & Pen

    Time: 5 minutes per day

  • Positive News

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Encourage pupils to share good news. This can be done in small groups or with the whole class.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5/10 minutes per day

  • Happiness Diary

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Encourage young people to keep a daily diary of all the things that make them feel happy.

    Resources: Pen and notepad

    Time: 5/10 minutes per day

  • Candles

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Provide pupils with a small candle and ask them to record their observations regarding the nature of the flame. This activity promotes calmness.

    Resources: Small candle, pen and paper

    Time: 5/10 minutes

  • Relaxing Background Music

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Consider playing relaxing music in the background during your lessons to promote a sense of calm in the learning environment.

    Resources: Collection of relaxing music

    Time: 30/60 minutes during lessons

  • Reaffirming Messages

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Consider writing your pupils personal messages to reaffirm their strengths and positive qualities.

    Resources: Pen and paper

    Time: 10/15 minutes

  • Positive phone calls

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Make positive phone calls to parents to tell them something their child has done well or something you admire about their child.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 10/15 minutes

  • Like Cards

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Write personal cards to pupils telling them what you like and admire about them.

    Resources: Pen and paper

    Time: 10/15 minutes

  • Theme Days/Weeks on Positive Emotions

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Discuss the role of different positive emotions, what they look like and what they lead us to do. You can consider a different emotion each day/week.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 60 minutes per day/week

  • 7:11 Breathing Technique

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Lead the pupils in performing this activity, breathing in for a count of 7 and out for a count 11. This is used to relax pupils and promote calmness.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5/10 minutes a day

  • Age Range: Any

    Overview: Feet on floor, bums on chairs, get the pupils to sit comfortably on a chair with their feet firmly on the ground. Continue to play the FOFBOC recording from the mindfulness for school’s website, which will lead the students in relaxation exercise.

    Resources: https://mindfulnessinschools.org/the-evidence-base/?c=videos

    Time: 10 minutes

  • Savouring Activity

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Provide the pupils with something to eat, asking them to eat slowly, focusing on the taste and the sensations created while eating.

    Resources: Food

    Time: 10 minutes

  • Strength Spotting

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the students to consider and write down their character strengths. Character strengths constitute those positive parts of the student’s personality that influences how they think and feel.

    Resources: Pen and paper

    Time: 10 minutes

  • Mindful Drawing

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Lead the pupils in drawing based on a prompt, asking them to bring their awareness to their body, breathe, thoughts and emotions while drawing.

    Resources: Pens and paper. https://www.artofmindfulness.org.uk/blog/guidelines-for-practice-during-the-mindful-drawing-challenge

    Time: 10 minutes per day.

  • Positive School Newspaper

    Age Range: 10-16

    Overview: Encourage students to create a positive newspaper, focusing on positive news stories.

    Resources: Pen and paper or ICT facilities

    Time: 30/60 minutes

  • Lessons on Positive Emotions

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Provide pupils with short lessons on the different positive emotions, helping them identify the differences between the emotions.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 20 minutes per week

  • Laughter Game

    Age Range: Any (maybe the younger kids?)

    Overview: The objective of the game is to make others laugh while not laughing yourself. The pupils sit in a circle. They take turns saying or acting something out trying to make the others laugh, if anyone laughs then they are out until the next round. The last person to laugh is the winner.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5/10 minutes

  • Movement Breaks

    Age Range: 7-11

    Overview: Adding small movement breaks during/between lessons keeps the pupils alert. Get the pupils to throw a ball around, get up and stretch, go for a walk, etc. There are many movement songs on Youtube that can also be used to get the children moving.

    Resources: Youtube, ball, beanbag

    Time: 2-5 minutes per break

  • Funny Photos PowerPoint

    Age Range: 7-10

    Overview: Create a PowerPoint presentation featuring funny photos, showing this to pupils for a brief period.

    Resources: PowerPoint, funny images

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Beditation

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the students to lay down on their backs, if possible provide them with a pillow or cushion. Play the beditation mindfulness recording for the class that will lead them through a relaxation exercise.

    Resources: https://mindfulnessinschools.org/the-evidence-base/?c=videos

    Time: 10 minutes

  • Wall of Love

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the pupils to talk about what they love and enjoy. Ask the students to create something that represents this interest and then create a wall display in the classroom with all these things.

    Resources: Pens, paper and other arts and crafts supplies

    Time: 30/60 minutes

  • Attitude Box

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Create a box containing things that make the students special or happy, encourage them to be creative.

    Resources: Arts and crafts supplies and a box

    Time: 10/30 minutes

  • Kindness Coupons

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Print off acts of kindness coupons from online or get the students to create their own. Once they have these kindness coupons let them hand them out to other students. Students can redeem these coupons for acts of kindness.

    Resources: Paper and pens

    Time: 5/10 minutes

  • Positive Emotions Fan

    Age Range: 7-10

    Overview: Encourage the kids to create positive emotion fans which they can use to show which positive emotion they are feeling at any time. Examples of emotion fans can be found online. Each branch of the fan should feature a different positive emotion.

    Resources: Pens and paper

    Time: 10/15 minutes

  • Gratitude Bunting

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Create a basic bunting template and encourage the students to decorate this bunting with things that they are grateful or thankful for. Hang the bunting around the classroom so they can see what they are grateful for on a daily basis.

    Resources: Bunting and pens

    Time: 15/30 minutes

  • Positive Profiles

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Encourage the students to create a one-page profile demonstrating all their positive qualities. Allow the students to use words, illustrations or whatever they see fit to properly display these qualities.

    Resources: Pens, paper and arts and crafts supplies

    Time: 15/30 minutes

  • Inspirational Quotes

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Find and present the pupils with an inspiration quote or encourage them to find their own inspirational quotes to present to the class.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes per day

  • Blind Artist

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Split the students into small groups of between 2-6. One member of the group is nominated to be the artist, they will be blindfolded. The rest of the team must describe their chosen object or image to the artist as they try and draw the described object. The team whose drawing most resembles the object is the winner. Give the students a 2-5-minute time allowance.

    Resources: Pen, paper and objects or images to draw

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Funny Sayings Display

    Age Range: 7-11

    Overview: Find some funny sayings online or encourage the students to bring in their own. Create a wall display with all these funny sayings.

    Resources: Arts and crafts supplies

    Time: 10/20 minutes

  • Pass the Pen

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the students into groups of 5. Each group has 1 pen. The groups must race to pass the pen clockwise round the circle 5 times before passing the pen anticlockwise round the circle 5 times. They must then pass the pen round the circle each saying their name while they have the pen, they must then reverse the direction the pen is going around the circle and each say a fact about themselves as it goes around the circle. The first to finish all of this is the winner.

    Resources: Pen

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Count to Ten Together

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: The whole class have to count from 1 to 10 consecutively. There is no order or plan to whom must say what number, they must just shout out the numbers 1 to 10, if more than one person shouts out a number they must start again from 1. They win the game when they make it to 10 without anyone interrupting or repeating.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Balloon Keep Ups

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Split the students into groups of 5-7. Give each group a balloon. The object of the game is to keep the balloon up using their hands, no person can touch the balloon twice in a row. The team that keeps the balloon up for the longest is the winner.

    Resources: Balloons

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Zoom Zoom Game

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the students into a circle. The student who starts the activity says “Zoom” and then turns their head to the left or right neighbouring student to “pass on” the zoom. The next student turns their head to the next student, again saying zoom. This continues around the whole circle. The object of the game is to pass the zoom around the whole circle as quickly as possible. Time the students to see how quickly they can pass the zoom.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Best Hopes

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Encourage the students to share their “best hopes” for today, the future or anything specific within or outside of school.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5/10 minutes

  • Praise Cards

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Create cards praising something about the individual students work or behaviour

    Resources: Pen and paper or ICT facilities

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Positive Word Tennis

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: The students take it in turn in pairs or fours to say one positive word. The game keeps going until a player is unable to think of a word.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Chiming Bell

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the students to sit with their eyes closed if they feel comfortable, or to have their eyes fixed on one spot. Chime a bell and ask the students to focus on the sound. When they can no longer hear the bell ask them to raise their hand. This will raise self-awareness and centre students focus.

    Resources: Bell or gong

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Strength Cards

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Create or buy a collection of cards that display different strengths. Let the students use these cards to identify their own strengths, the strengths of other students in the class or what strengths may be required for certain situations.

    Resources: Strength Cards

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Mindful Breathing

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Get the students to sit or lie down. They should inhale through the nostrils for 3 seconds, hold their breathe for 2 seconds and exhale through the mouth for 4. Ask the students to concentrate on their breathe.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Pinwheel Breathing

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Have the students seated, holding a pinwheel in front of their mouths. Encourage the students to blow onto the pinwheel using long breathes. Ask them to think about how it makes them feel. Next get them to blow onto the pinwheel using short breathes and again ask them how it makes them feel. Finally get them to blow onto the pinwheel using normal breathes and ask them how that makes them feel.

    Resources: Pinwheel

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Belly buddies (aka Teddy Bear Belly Breathing and Breathing Buddies)

    Age Range: 4+

    Overview: This is a mindfulness breathing activity aimed to help children relax and learn to focus. Instruct the child to lie comfortably and place their hands on their belly (or if they uses a toy then place the toy on their belly). Inhale deeply through the nose on a count of three. Exhale to a slow count to four. Ask the child to concentrate on the sensation of the toy going up and down as they breathe. Do five to ten breaths.

    Resources: floor space (or another place to lie down), a favourite stuffed toy.

    Time: 5 Minutes

  • Shark fin

    Age Range: 5-10

    Overview: Place your thumb on your forehead with your fingers pointing up. Moving your hand slowly down the middle of your face, as your hand passes your eyes close your eyes. As it moves past your mouth and to your heart, sing “sshhh” as quietly as you can. This is a reminder of the 5 S’s: Sitting straight, still, silently, softly breathing and shutting eyes.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 minutes

  • Breathing colours

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Involves mentally picturing/meditating on a colour that represents how you want to feel or and what you want to let go in your life (stressor). Breathe comfortably and deeply. Now imagine yourself bathed in the colour of your choice. As you breathe in imagine your colour spreading through your body and as you breathe out imagine the opposite (complementary) colour leaving your body. As you breathe out visualize the complementary colour leaving your body. Colours include: Blue (relaxed), Green (healing), Red (energy), Orange (happiness), Magenta (releasing negative thoughts), Yellow (concentrating), Violet (respect).

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 mins

  • Breathing hands

    Age Range:

    Overview: Spread one hand out like a star and use the index finger on your other hand to trace the outline of your star hand. Take a deep breath in as you move to the top of your thumb. Breathe out as you move down between your thumb and first finger. Take another breath in as you move to the top of your first finger. Breathe out as you move down between your first and second finger. Repeat until you have taken five slow, deep breaths.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 mins

  • Back to back breathing

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Sit as tall as possible with your back against your partners. Take some deep breaths as your partner does the same. Now notice your partners breathing. Begin to explore the quality of their breathing and sync up the rhythm of your breathing with theirs.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5-10 Mins

  • Mindful steps

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: This activity can be done outside, and if safe children can do it barefoot. Each student selects a small area where they can walk in a line for about 5 or 6 steps and back then back to where they started without getting into another person’s way. While walking, students bring their awareness to their breath and their body, focusing on what the ground feels like under their feet etc.

    Resources: Outside space

    Time: 10 mins

  • Mindful safari

    Age Range: 5-10

    Overview: Instruct students to remain quiet, calm their thoughts and move slowly around their outdoor space. Ask students to turn their sense of sight, touch and sound onto high. Let the students search for natural objects, mini-beasts and other creatures to explore. Encourage students to explore what they see, feel, smell and touch when exploring.

    Resources: Outdoor space like a garden

    Time: 10-30 mins

  • Senses countdown (5 things hear, 4 things touch, 3 things feel etc.)

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Think of: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 mins

  • Mood charts

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Charting your highs and lows. A simple chart can track your mood scale between 1-10 (10 being best, 1 being worst). This can help to add some balance and objectivity to people’s lives.

    Resources: Pen and Paper

    Time: 5 mins a day

  • Numbering check in (number how you are feeling)

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: On a scale of 1-10 ask pupils to check in how good or bad they are feeling.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 5 mins

  • Record funniest memories

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Ask pupils to record their funniest memories. This can be done in small groups or individually.

    Resources: Pen and Paper

    Time: 5 mins

  • Guess who

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Give each student a card and have them write about ten facts about themselves. This can include favourites such as food, colour or television show, or any other interesting facts. Then pick a card and read one fact out to the class. Give two or three students a chance to guess who the person is. If no one guesses, then read one more fact and continue in this way until the person is guessed. Resources: Card and Paper

    Time: 5-10 minutes.

  • Bleep (memory game)

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Bleep is a memory game that prevents students from using certain words when reading. Give students a list of words that are in their reading material that are forbidden. Students are asked to read aloud and say ‘Bleep’ when they come across a forbidden word.

    Resources: Something to read.

    Time: 10-15 mins

  • Charades

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Students have to individually ‘act out’ or pantomime a phrase without speaking, while the group has to guess what the phrase is.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 10-30 mins

  • Theme days

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Have a day where staff come in dressed up e.g. according to a funny theme.

    Resources: N/A

    Time: 1 Day

Teacher books

  • Mini Relax: Calming Stories and Easy Meditations to Relax Children and Help Them Sleep.

    Author: Debbie Wildi

    ISBN: 9780956851307

    Overview: In two parts, this book provides relaxation tips for children, followed by the Award Winning ‘Dreamtime Stories’.

  • Sit Still like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents

    Author: Eline Snel

    ISBN: 9781611800586

    Overview: This book contains mindfulness exercises to help deal with anxiety, handle difficult emotions and improve concentration.

  • Mindful Kids: 50 Mindfulness Activities for Calm, Focus and Peace.

    Author: Whitney Stewart

    ISBN: 1782853278, 9781782853275

    Overview: Includes 50 mindfulness games divided into 5 categories to help children feel grounded, find calm, improve focus, practice loving-kindness and relax.

  • A Still Quiet Place: A mindfulness Program for Teaching Children and Adolescence to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions.

    Author: Amy Saltzman

    ISBN: 1608827577

    Overview: Helpful for stress management skills.

  • Mindful Me: Mindfulness and Meditation for Kids

    Author: Whitney Stewart

    ISBN: 0807551449

    Overview: Useful Mindfulness exercises to help ground children.

  • Peaceful piggy meditation

    Author: Kerry MacLean

    ISBN: 9780807563816

    Overview: This book contains useful meditation exercises for children.

  • Meditation is an Open Sky : Mindfulness for Kids

    Author: Whitney Stewart

    ISBN: 0807549088

    Overview: This book contains useful mindfulness and meditation exercises for children.

  • Puppy Mind

    Author: Andre Jordan Nance

    ISBN: 19415294

    Overview: This is a picture book for children and adults about a young boy who discovers his mind is like a puppy, always wandering away. He sets out to learn to train his puppy mind.

  • Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused.

    Author: Kira Willey

    ISBN: 1623368839

    Overview: This book contains useful mindfulness and meditation exercises for children.

  • Master of mindfulness: how to be your own superhero in times of stress

    Author: Laurie Grossman

    ISBN: 1626254648

    Overview: This book contains useful mindfulness and meditation exercises for children.

  • A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles

    Author: Thich Naht Hanh

    ISBN: 9781937006211

    Overview: This book outlines Pebble meditation, a playful way to introduce meditation to children.

  • Big Ted’s Guide to Tapping: Positive Emotional Freedom Techniques for Children

    Author: Alex Kent

    ISBN: 9781908269409

    Overview: A simple guide to EFT.

  • The happiness book for kids

    Author: Mike Duffy

    ISBN: 9780692331842

    Overview: Based on the science of positive psychology, this book is desifned to make happiness concepts easy to read and understand.

  • 100 Things to Make You Happy

    Author: Lisa M. Gerry

    ISBN: 9781426320583

    Overview: This book is designed to boost kids dose of daily joy and get them actively involved in their own well-being.

  • I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness

    Author: Susan Verde

    ISBN: 141972701X

    Overview: This book contains useful mindfulness and meditation exercises for children.

  • Good Morning Yoga: A pose-by-pose wake up story

    Author: Mariam Gates

    ISBN: 9781622036028

    Overview: This book helps children learn to focus, relax, self-monitor and self soothe.

  • I Am Yoga

    Author: Susan Verde

    ISBN: 1419716646

    Overview: This book teaches useful yoga exercises for children.

    You are a lion and other fun yoga poses (book)

  • Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology: A Guide for Instructors

    Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology: A Guide for Instructors

    Author: Jeffrey J. Froh

    ISBN: 1433812363

    Overview: This book presents a comprehensive set of fun, interactive classroom activities based on positive psychology.

  • One Love

    Author: Cedella Marley

    ISBN: 1452138559

    Overview: Based on the song by Bob Marley, this book is a story of a girl who transforms her neighbourhood for the better.

  • Mindful monkey happy panda

    Author: Lauren Alderfer

    ISBN: 0861716833

    Overview: Introduces the powerful practice of mindfulness in a fun and exciting way.

  • Have You Filled a Bucket Today

    Author: Carol McCloud

    ISBN: 099609993X

    Overview: Encourages positive behaviour.

  • The Strength Switch: How the New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen to Flourish

    Author: Lea Waters

    ISBN: 9781101983645

    Overview: This book reveals the results of focusing on a child’s strengths rather than trying to correct their weaknesses.

  • Giraffes Can’t Dance

    Author: Giles Andreae

    ISBN: 0659213182920

    Overview: A picture book about being yourself and finding your own tune.

  • Beautiful Oops!

    Author: Barnet Saltzberg

    ISBN: 9780761157281

    Overview: A book that says: it’s ok to make a mistake!

  • Jar of Happiness

    Author: Ailsa Burrows

    ISBN: 9781846437298

    Overview: A story about a child that mixes ingredients to create happiness.

Teacher resources

  • Relax like a Cat

    Pdf document describing useful relaxation exercises for children

    Download for free @ https://docplayer.net/29364174-Relax-like-a-cat-relaxation-for-children.html

  • Cosmic Kids

    Online resource offering yoga, mindfulness and relaxation exercise via short YouTube videos.

    Find out more@ www.cosmickids.com

  • Ted Talks

    Consider watching TED talks with your pupils related to the topic of Happiness.

    Find out more @ www.selfication.com/tips/ted-talks-happiness/

  • Podcasts

    Encourage your pupils to listen to The Positive Psychology Podcast

    Find out more @ https://play.acast.com/s/thepositivepsychologypodcastbringingthescienceofhappinesstoyourearbudswithkristentruempy

  • Grounding Exercises

    Grounding is a technique that helps keep someone in the present. They help reorient a person to the here-and-now and in reality. Grounding skills can be helpful in managing overwhelming feelings or intense anxiety. They help someone to regain their mental focus from an often intensely emotional state.

    Find out more @ https://www.peirsac.org/peirsacui/er/educational_resources10.pdf

  • Jenny Mosely: Teacher Wellbeing Kit

    Free article about the importance of looking after your personal wellbeing when teaching. Includes useful strategies and ideas.

    Download for free @ www.circle-time.co.uk/wp.../Staff-wellbeing-article-the-SPICE-of-life.docm

  • Spread the happiness

    Online training and resources by Schonette Bason-Wood

    Find out more @ https://www.spreadthehappiness.co.uk

  • PiXL Primary Wellbeing

    PDF document to help children take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

    Download for free @ https://pixl.org.uk/_site/data/files/primary/A40ED74599D7064638C2C4DBA29A4690.pdf

  • Brilliant Schools: the art of Brilliance by Andy

    Online resources and training on using positive psychology in schools

    Find out more @ https://www.artofbrilliance.co.uk/training/brilliant-schools

  • PATHS Barnardos

    A programme developed for schools in the UK to help facilitate childrens development of emotional development, interpersonal problem-solving skills and self-control.

    Find out more @ http://www.pathseducation.co.uk/what-is-paths

  • Twinkl

    Useful Primary and secondary resources and mindfulness worksheets.

    Visit the website @ https://www.twinkl.co.uk/

  • Positive Touch – Jenny Mosley

    Online training and resources by Jenny Mosley Consultancies.

    Find out more @ https://www.circle-time.co.uk/

  • Positive psychology programme

    Useful online resources based on positive psychology

    Online resource: www.positivepsychologyprogram.com

  • Kids Skill

    Online resource demonstrating ways to get children involved in active play


  • Teach starter

    Printable teaching resources

    Download for free at www.teachstarter.com

  • Relax Kids

    Online resource with relaxation activities for kids.


  • Values Based Education

    Teaching resource


  • Action For Happiness

    Online resources to increases happiness based on the concepts of positive psychology


  • Tes

    Teaching resource including end of term fun for primary ages.


  • Fun English Games

    Free English resources online


  • TNT Challenge

    Motivational techniques


Teacher applications

  • Breathe Think Do With Sesame

    Age Range: 7-11

    Overview: This app helps children to learn problem solving skills and self-control, while calming down their monster friend when performing everyday tasks.

  • Calm

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Beginners mindfulness app with guided meditation sessions of various lengths with many different topics including sleep and to calm anxiety.

  • Dreamy Kid

    Age Range: 7-13

    Overview: Mindfulness meditation sessions aimed for kids, featuring guided visualizations. Find out more @ https://dreamykid.com

  • Headspace

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Guided mediation and mindfulness techniques. Find out more @ https://www.headspace.com

  • Kids Yoga Deck

    Age Range: 7-11

    Overview: Yoga poses for kids to strengthen the muscles and get the kids moving.

  • Stop Breathe and Think Kids

    Age Range: 5-10

    Overview: Help children practise mindfulness techniques through the use of fun mindful games making mindfulness more engaging.

  • Smiling Mind

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: Mindfulness app with guided meditation. Find out more @ https://www.smilingmind.com.au

  • Positive Penguins

    Age Range: 5-11

    Overview: Guided meditation aimed at kids to help build resilience. Find out more at https://positivepenguins.com

  • Calm Counter

    Age Range: Any

    Overview: A visual and audio tool to help people calm down when they are angry or anxious. The app includes a social story about anger, and audio/visual tools for calming down.

  • Take a Chill

    Age Range: 11-16

    Overview: Full of mindfulness tools to help manage stress. More information @ https://www.stressedteens.com/take-a-chill

  • Happify

    Age Range: Staff

    Overview: Happify’s science-based activities and games can help reduce stress, overcome negative thoughts, and build greater resilience by providing effective tools and programs to improve emotional well-being. More information @ https://www.happify.com/

  • Super Stretch Yoga

    Age Range: 7-11

    Overview: Fun, interactive yoga app using storytelling, animation and video examples. More information @ https://adventuresofsuperstretch.com/

  • ChatterPix Kids

    Age Range: 5-12

    Overview: Create silly greetings, playful messages, creative cards, or even fancy book reports.