Change your routine, change you life

Use includmi to adopt healthy habits that will set you up for daily success.

Decide to live life proactively

Isla thinks to herself, “I want to take a gym class. And on a scale of 0 to 10, I want it to be a level 10 class.” Then she thinks, “What do I need to achieve that?” By envisioning the result she wants in advance, Isla takes control over the outcome. She isn’t taking a passive approach to life, just hoping it will happen or expecting it to happen. She is regaining control and taking a proactive approach to achieving her goals. You can do this, too.

Quantify your goals

The first step is to ask yourself where you are right now. Because wherever you are, you can change that by creating healthy habits. If you are sitting on the sofa, scrolling though TikTok and feeling tired, a gym class may not sound that appealing. Maybe you give it a 3 on a scale of a 0 to 10. Be honest with yourself. The idea is to create a benchmark that will help you determine how to create long-lasting, healthy habits. 

Now create a vision for how we want our day to look. What does a 10 out of 10 training session look like? If you’re living proactively like Isla you’ll not only envision your workout, but all the other benefits you’ll get from this workout. Your mood will improve. You’ll have more energy to play with your friends. Imagine how great you’ll feel after training. See yourself confidently beating your old personal best performance. Quantify your goal – a 10 – and begin to understand what this new healthy lifestyle habit looks like.

Qualify objects and experiences

What would it take to make an object or experience irresistible?

Consider your training session. How appealing is that session? A 5, a 7 or a 10? Now, what would you have to focus on for it to be a 10? Would you have to practice after school/college/work when you’re not distracted? Would you have to train with a friend? Would you have to laugh three times, just thinking of something that cracks you up? Consider what conditions you need to create for yourself to make healthy lifestyle habits permanent rather than temporary.

Ask yourself what you would have to appreciate, believe, feel and focus on to achieve a level 10 practice session. Emotions are tied to actions and the healthy habits we develop based on those actions. The goal is to change the emotion you tie to objects and experiences – and therefore change your actions. Remember, where focus goes, energy flows, so focus on things within your own control. If you say that to have a level 10 practice session it can’t rain, that is not in your control. But if you say, “I have to stop during the practice session and enjoy my surroundings,” then you are taking direct control of your outcome.

Create what works works for you

Quantifying and qualifying what is important to you comes down to creating your version of a fulfilling life

By using includmi, children, young people are encouraged to look beyond their surface-level objective. Yes, you want to quit vaping, sleep more, develop healthier relationships or move ahead at school, but why? It’s not just because you do or don’t want to do these things, it’s about identifying your outcome and moving toward that end goal. Then you’ll be able to focus on creating healthy habits accordingly.

Once you commit to your outcome, you’ll find the drive you need to take action, which will result in healthier habits overall. Use what you know about quantifying and qualifying to create the conditions you need to succeed. To get to that level 10 practice session, you’ll need to ensure that you get enough sleep so that you have the energy to work out. You’ll need to practice at the time of day that appeals to your natural inner clock. You’ll need to have that perfect playlist queued up.

Use includmi for better collaboration with your support team which leads to better outcomes and experiences.

Introduce healthy habits the right way

We’ve all been tempted to make multiple massive changes in our lives at the same time. Instead of focusing on eating healthier, you vow to eat healthier, stop using social media, train for a marathon and replace your can of coke with a smoothie. However, this rarely works. When you try to do too much, you lose focus and ultimately end up feeling deprived. Instead of creating a bunch of new healthy habits, you don’t sustain even one. Try to focus on one healthy habit at a time. Once that becomes part of your routine, then you can focus on the next one. 

Part of creating healthy habits is setting the right environment – including the people in it. If you vow to eat healthier but your parents continue to give you microwave meals, fries and crisps for every meal, you are setting yourself up for failure. Encourage your family and close friends to adopt healthy lifestyle habits with you.

The key to healthy habits is focus. You have decided that this is what you are committed to. You have decided that this is the result you want. You aren’t waiting and hoping that it happens; you are creating the conditions that make it happen. If you’re ready to start creating healthy habits and take your life to the next level, start using includmi to eliminate barriers to your best self. You are on your way to unlocking an amazing life.